mOOd: eRgh!!
mUzIK: aLL The tHInGs sHE saED/ tAtU
tAlkinG: zOnGxIa, tOnY
oops. too excited. let's, ting and beishan went high at the stroke of midnight ytd. or rather...more of beishan. wonder what time she slept. yes. i cant wait 4 school tmr. but..i dunt know whether to bring books or not. i envy the prefects. hey...but maybe PSLs will get to skip! hopefully.'ll start complaining. sorry lah. i know i'm not supposed to. 1st...nono!! i'm so HAPPY! mrs tan teaching us eng!!!!! wHoOoo!! i love her manz. i start. aRgh!! all my teachers...aRgH!! u get what i mean. cant help it. i hope they change aft term1. except mrs tan lah. they are all...eRgH. some are bearable lah. 4 the sake of the subj. but some...i cant stand it!! i think i'm gonna fail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maths...i think i'll grow white hair trying to figure out what she's trying to say...sci...i'll sleep. PE...mrs teo! i'm scared of her! but heard she's quite nice too. hey...she cant be worse than np right? i thank god i'm in np. she sld become our officer. haha. i'm ok with her lah. chinese teacher...i cant help it but to hope that it's mrs goh. heard that she's strict but good. that's what i need to improve on my chinese. not boring. that's the best. so yeah. hope hope hope. i'm praying hard.
lunch time!!!!! hungry. oh no. it's back to waking up early tmr.~