mOOd: hApY
mUzIK: -
tALkinG: tINg, bEIshAN, gRacE
WActcHinG: cOunTdOWn 20o4
TIME: 23.10hrs. 50 MINS TO 2004!!
i cant wait. i'm watching nations countdown now...their singing sux. but i like the brudders!! real cute!
was tidying my room today...spring cleaning cuz my mom forced me to. realised i had really a lot of un neccesary things...and things that i've long 4gotten abt thru the years. tidying my whole room produced a lot of garbage. and a lot of camp booklets. was looking thru all the cheers.
in the same way...reflecting back on this whole year...2003...i've gone thru a lot. some may be rubbish...and some may be forgotten. but i'm sure gonna miss this year. my class...1B/2a2...the sec4s...and i'm not sure abt being a sec3. so many things happening just 50 mins away...campcraft com, pl musical, taking over the np unit, being a many things. i cant help but worry abt my work.
2003 has been a gr8 year 4 me and yet a worrying year. with the closure of schools, and having to catch up with my hmk. also, the many np times my sqdmates and i went thru together, the outings, courses, np sessions, going out together...i guess next yr we'll be a bit too busy to go out so often. esp when the sec3s are already gonna take their o's next yr. and yes...i may be happy...cuz we're gonna take over...but there'll be stress when u're in charge. so i guess taking over aint that easy.
i just wanna thank every1 who a gr8 year (my father, my mother, my sister, my brother..haha. just joking.)
my condo's holding a count down...we won some sandwich toaster and a but the noise downstairs...i cant concentrate on the show. but i have 1 word for the show. poser. all very..uUh....... and the guys cant make it. sigh. haha. keep going 4 commercial break. die. i'm sleepy...wake up lean may! *smacks face*
still...i look forward to a year of better things, better performance..i cant wait 4 it. i keep thinking what will happen next year. i hope that 2004 will be as good or even better than this year.