Monday, January 26, 2004

mOOd: tirEd
mUzIk: -
tAlKInG: kAyliN (cOusIn!!)

hAhA. my cousin's back in australia frm malaysia and s'pore. heard that she had a stomachache when she came here. poor thing!! haha. she stayed like just next to taka. so good. but she didnt get to shop much. aWwW. hAhA. that's partly the reason why i dont eat oysters. *yUcK* (sorry to offend anyone)

anyway.....i really need to build up my stamina. 6 rounds today...i was dieing and felt like vomitting. maybe it's because i ran too fast? thanx to huahua. that girl runs so faSt. yEp. eRgh. 3 periods of math altogether today. 2-math. 1-a math. but i still pity those who have like 3 periods of a maths then 2 periods of math. cuz of the art galz. head will bursT! maths...hMm...i sorta understand...but dont really know how to do the questions. well...i hope my ans are correcT! can actually check the tB but too lazy to.

cAmpcRaFT: why does it always have to rain!! i just realised having soft ground is not really an advantage too. the grnd is like so soft. when we pull...the peg will come out. we only got to pitch 2 times or sumthing like that cuz of the rain. hAa. flagpole...1st pitch qualitY! 2nd was beTTa. and the pole was so str8!! haha. but we had to unpitch it halfway cuz the tent had to do again.

oh yeaH!! i'm so happy! we (sec 1 sqd 2002) received a small leTtA each frm ma'am xuhui today. aW mAn. she washed the photo we took in sec1 for us!! oops. but we ended up laughing at huihua because her hair was so tOOt!! hAhAhAHaHa. yeah. but it's really nice to hear frm our ex-ncos. sOoOO hAppy! coOL mAn!

sigh. one thing is. you promised to come back 4 training after cNy...but did you. hMM. duh. obvious ans. hAa. yeaH. but i think is really irresponsible of you to not come. you expect the reserve to take over permanantly? whatever is on your mind...i wanna say...let it go. and pls put your mind only on one thing during campcraft. cAmPcRaFt(i sound redundant). yeAh. you have to distinguish btwn school and cCa and outside affairs. everyone makes mistakes. not only you. eRm...i dont know what to say ler. i'll sAy it out sometime later.~