monday's singles was okay. i did better at occ than at safra. but people were damn pro. more pro than nationals. oh. playing beside us were ite guys. they're quite nice. anyway. finished relatively early so we left our bags at the storage area and went home. on the way there on tuesday, i met thea... who was going home from work. talked to her all the way to yishun although we see each other every sunday. lols. she kept making me jealous because here i am, slogging my heart out 5 months before A levels and she's having 4 months holiday with nothing to do. and by the time i start my ct she's still on holiday! haha. i always screw my 1st game. team s'pore schools girls were beside us (coach explained that to get in, you have to get an average of 190 and above for A/B/C division) this girl hit a 268 with 4 strikes, a spare, 5 strikes and a spare. think that's great? wait till you see another guy from SBF go striked 10 times... an almost perfect game! everyone stopped just to look at him bowl... and clapped when he striked for the 10th time. on the 11th bowl... he got a 9!! ARGH!! wasted!! so everyone went aWwWww... an almost perfect game. 289. took a cab home.
wednesday... had to go to school for math lecture. think a 3.5hour lecture is torturing? try sitting in a 3.5 hour lecture WITHOUT aircon in the lecture theatre!! almost died in there. i totally switched off at the last hour. went for competition at night. it was doubles. also my highest games in NAG, 134, 146. gosh. so lousy. during the games was talking to coach... he was telling us stories of his life and also ghost stories about bowling alleys. so cool!! haha. coach was sick. he had a high fever. and he sleeps so few hours!! so poor thing!! thursday's comp... was quartet. dont know what i was doing. coach mia-ed for the first game. we were wondering where he went. he was really sick and was sleeping in the car. so poor thing!! did really badly for the 3rd game. cldnt care alr.
after that jess and i decided to 'fan lian' at someone. because we couldnt take that person's attitude and character anymore. was quite funny. we went to find coach who went to sleep in his car again. but being almost the last time we were going to see him... he came out of his car to meet us. talked to him for a while... so sad. he offered to send jess and i to the mrt station to take a cab. waited for his wife and son... who qualified for masters today (and who got champion. congrats! so pro!).
anyway, thank you coach for everything that you've done for us! i must say that you're the best coach i've ever had (not to say that i've had a lot of coaches). and i cannot express how much gratitude and thanks because it's really too much. for the time and effort you've put in... coming for extra trainings with us at no extra cost... for helping us in every way that you can... and for just being there to comfort in times of trouble and stress. i really cannot repay how much you've given to us as a team... and i really appreciate it. though it's been just a mere 5 months (and i really wish we had you as our coach last year).. i feel like it's been a long time since you introduced yourself. you've never really scolded us or put us down with negative remarks but have always encouraged us and given us hope in what we did. even when we bowled wrongly... we were always greeted by your smile when coming back from throwing the ball. you never failed to give suggestions on how to improve and really just helped us to improve tremendously from the mess we were last year. i really really really appreciate it and a million thanks once again for everything that you've done!! these words are but the tip of the ice berg as to how much gratitude i feel. the rest cannot be put down in words.
i summarised that and sent a 3-msg long sms to coach... who said made him cry. and made me wanna cry too. ah well... goodbye is never easy.
for now... it's mug mug mug... full time mugging until A's. i dont wanna become a doctor or a banker. lols! good night world!!~
me, jess, coach & ys
-we'll miss you!!~