mOOd: i fEEl liKe vOmiTtiNG!
muZiK: vaLetI/ boA
tAlkinG: niCoLe, tiNg, shAroN
i suddenly feel like vomitting. i dun know why. cuz i didnt eat dinner? i feel very uncomfortable. wanna vomit.
anyway. yEs. it's finally over. the 11 mins we've been training for 4 the last 3 months. campcraft competition. we came early in the morning. 4 muster parade. the ac came down. and we screwed it up.
campcraft practise. was ok. not one of the best. then slack. and so, we travelled to PA. with CIs, sec2s and officers. and the scariest moment arrived. i feel like i'm writing an essay.'am zhenying gave us last minute tips. then FW to real pitch. oh no. haha. panic.
muahaha. hMm. flagpole was ok. ma'am gwen said the pole wasnt str8...really? it looked str8!! maybe it didnt look str8 frm far. hEE. tent...i dunt know. heard that they snap a lot of times. well...outer sheet was ok. inner...haha. knots board. managed to do almost the whole thing. no time to stick finish. ok la. i dunt know. top 30 i happy ler.
went to keep equipment. hey. sec4 ma'ams left so early! but diyanah shouted "beishan!!" so loud. wah. throw face. haha. but she didnt hear. ok. ha. went back to find them. waHhHh! ma'am zhenying gave us towel! thank you ma'am!
went back to school...then to grace house to...i dunno. hA.
well...those 11mins just seemed like a dream to me, like it didnt exist. i guess the final product was ok. but sudenly i feel that..eH? did we even go thru the comp? well yeah. but i want to say...i'm sorry to all those whom i shouted at. hehe. i'm sorry. i just am too stressed. but i didnt really shout much during the comp kies!! yes. hMM.
erGh. my mom's nagging at me 4 coming home so late. hey. ppl need to celebr8 and wind down can. haha. dun care la. i really feel like vomitting.~