Friday, November 21, 2003

mUZIK: sUPerSTar/sHe
TALkinG: tInG

stupid dead...change template lar! i shall continue to blog tho'...hMm...todae was nco course...ytd no time to write...cuz bz growing white hair trying to print e notes!! haha...yep...started in e morning...with a lil bit of pt..then lecture by ma'am zhenying..ok lar.

drills...hMm...hentak so long! haha...not bad lar. ma'am yuling took us. mastered hentak and belok lar..only 6 of us...e others went to do their rifle drills...sudki! oh'am melissa...i love ya so much! she let us learn rifle drills too!! oh man!!!!! we learnt sedia, senang diri...kekenan lu ros..and dunno what senjata...(dunno how to spell =P) so fun! but very heavy...and hit so hard will get blue-black wanz!! haha...that's what happened to yenkeng. so coolz i tell u...whoever. then pioneering...we revised e knots...then went on to build a structure...which we built sum raft thing to contain our bags...the other grp...made sum...actually...i dunno what. muahahaha...beishan advertised 4 e other grp...very cold and lame as always. then our grp...rachel and vanassa...wah lao...even more lame. arm-pit rests? hahahaha. crazy.

well...after np jaime.yenkeng.beishan.meishi came here...mi house..duh. they practically wiped out all my food. didnt know beishan ate so much!! anyway...they ate cup mee....beishan and i shared pasta...which i screwed up and split all over e stove. hehe. then they watched tv...yenkeng was sleeping. zZzZzZzz..very shuang. we went down to e mama shop (without yenkeng) to buy food...ended up making pizza bread...which...well...was ok lar..nice lar...hehe. e cheese melt so cute!! oh man!! i was shouting away...-_-'''. ok then yenkeng was still asleep...but we woke her up to eat...then watch tv...and nemo!! beishan hadnt watched it they watched while i was playing with beishan's hp...mostly bounce...i reached level 4!! thanx to yenkeng. hehe. then watched finish at abt 6 sumthing...oOoo...they went home...well...i went with them...beishan.meishi dropped 1st...then me.yk.jaime next...i walked with yk to e 147 bus stop....was talking to her until her bus pack...oh man..poor thing. hehe. ok anyway...quite fun lar todae...siao wanz.

well...i just finished making the gift 4 sec1 sux. sucky...not sudki. hehe. my art pass but 5 marks only!! hehe. must get huihua to draw.~