leT's talk abt ytD 1st. met jess after school. she got too excited. took a bus which took damn long to come... down to ac. i didnt dare to go in la!! so throw face. well... anyway... we did. went to meet sa2... gosh. miss them so much!! talked to them...then me, tai tai, jess went to find mr soh. so we had a sa2 reunion kinda thing!!! we talked abt everything la. even what mr soh didnt know... so now he does. haa. oh... mr soh was biting his straw!! like a small kid!! damN funny!! then ec was bullying tai tai. hEhE. talked till abt 6 something. saW andrew "mugging". we were pretending to spy on him...then ec cam behind and poured water onto our backs!! arGH!! tai tai's back was damn wet. poor thing.
ok...today... the phy lecturer was damn funny!! anW...afteR...well. i dun wanna talk abt it la. anW... took a bus down to beauty world. joseph was suaning me...but he didnt even go lar. mugger. ha. got there as soon as i cld. to find almost the whole class there!! people who went: gx, me, jess, tai tai, jeslyne, andrew, darrick, ken, darryl, kat, kah joon, erwin, wei joe, tommy, mag. tommy looked so sji!! mag came in her home clothes. thE guys there were talking abt tommy. we were making havoc. damn crazY. then i started taking photos with darrick!! daMn act cute!! we were doing the jap 12345678910. argH! i miSS darrick's crazineSS!! we were talking and laughing. i can finally let my hair down. be myself. i miss sa2. i miss mr soh.
anyway.. took a bus home with andrew. was walking to a damn ulu bus stop. he was suaning me lar. ergH. waS talking to him abt thingS.... in the bus. he was damn blur. erGh. anyWaY... stopped at some bus stop. omg! i met my parents there lar!! hAhA. was trying to look out for sji... still cldnt find it. oops. i'm sorry. haha.
need to mug later. mug.mug. type some more tmr!!~