Tuesday, March 14, 2006

firstly i want to clarify that this is damn lame and only people who are damn bored and wu liao do this. so, as i am feeling damn bored and wu liao... i shall do this. thanks andrew. -_-'''

seven random facts about me
1. my name is leanmay
2. i like blue
3. i hate chinese
4. i live in s'pore?
5. i love schnauzers
6. i'm not ah lian
7. i love jap and korean food

seven celebrity crushes
1. daniel radcliffe!
2. joshua ang
3. jay chou!!
4. drew fuller
5. no
6. more
7. already

Seven qualities I want in a potential boyfriend/girlfriend:
1. Tall
2. must make me laugh a lot.
3. sensitive
4. dark (tanned)
5. must be able to communicate with me
6. cool
7. loves me back (duh)

Seven things that scare me:
1. the devil
2. any digusting creatures
3. horror films
4. lizards
5. perverts
6. weird people
7. YOU (lol)

Seven random songs at the moment:
1. Rain Down
2. Beep
3. Pon de replay
4. Black or white
5. Majesty
6. Feng
7. You're Beautiful

Seven things I like the most:
1. God
2. My family
3. God's work
4. Close friends
5. pl, 1sa2
6. baTcH tHiRtY-tHrEE
7. my neighbour's dogs

Seven things I plan to do before I die:
1. be happy
2. finish education
3. get married?
4. visit austria/venice/switz
5. eat all the food from the diff countries
6. kayak ard s'pore
7. clean my fish tank

Seven things I say the most:
1. yo
2. lol
3. what??
4. yar...
5. what the....???
6. huh
7. you suck

Seven people I want to do this too:
1. anyone
2. who
3. is
4. bored/wu liao/lame
5. enough
6. to do
7. this

theRe. done. i rock! =) ~