Thursday, March 16, 2006

haPPY b'dae rafael SIR & celene!!

i was somehow the earliest at the mrt station. then raf and edwin came. then darren. then jaime and winnie. and we ended up waiting 1 hr for shafik. there was this technical fault with the nel line... but anyway... they kept checking every mrt that passed for him. finally he came! at 1pm! hAhA! wenT to orchard. taka. seoul garden. mh, xt, and ryan were already there. then we had to pay... raf's student card got retained so he had to pay adult!! oh maN. thEn we started eating.. eat eat eat... ryan ate so much. thEn xt went ahead with her 17 "evil" plans on raf. 1st was to approach 5 girls and get their no. oh well.. then we cut the cake... which xt smashed cream on his face. he cldnt find the toilet. then we took away all the forks and spoons and made him eat with a chopstick. his cake was damn big anyway. shafik was making us laugh like crazy. damn funny... so cartoon la!!

theN we walked to cine. on the way...we were making him try to get girl's no. but he was too scared. haha. met andrew and jess. they went to watch a movie. walked with them to heeren. raf and the rest went to play pool 1st. we managed to persuade andrew to take neos with us. the machine was so feminine. anW... all the pics looked damn girly. which made him look gay. and 3 out of 4 neos had the word "gay" on them. jess said no scandalous stuff on them...but we ended up putting things on them anyway.

theN we walked to cine...kpool. went to find xt and the rest. saw ac ppl there. the ppl frm our econs class. was supposed to play with mh, xt, jaime, winnie. but andrew opened a table.. so i went over and played with him. i was disturbing raf thruout the whole game. and he had to fufil the other dares. like going ard and saying "world peace" to 17 ppl. and catwalk! and kiss shafik on the cheek! and sing the homo song to shafik! i dunno what else. anyway.. his catwalk was damn funny. oh ya...back to the game with andrew. he thrashed me. what else? lol. no jiajun to thrash him. was disturbing him too. then jess joined in. andrew hit in the black ball then the white. lol. ok whatever. not one of my best days. haha. theN they had to go off.. but not before bullying andrew!! jess was trying to hold him down while i used the chalk to chalk his nose!! after many minutes of struggling... i finally managed to chalk his nose!! haHA!! blue nose. we went to pay...costs $9.40. i took andrew's ic and ran off with it. hE was carrying jess' bag which made him look damn gay. he came back to dirty my face with chalk.oh! sprayed him with impulse. how can i resist? haHA... then they went off TGT. yep. stayed on with the rest.

raf was being tortured with dares again. poor thing. they played for a while... then ryan was trying to show off by doing angle... jump ball... funny stuff. haha! we went down to take neos. all 9 of us. poor raf. his face was decorated by winnie and xt. with rabbit ears... whiskers... funny things. haha. thEN xt and jaime went to buy famous amos... walked to mrt station. took a grp photo again. we took the 1st at taka. then ryan and i went off to toa payoh. the rest to nel. was disturbing ryan in the train. he followed me up... which wasnt a great idea. cuz he had to walk more. lol.. reached home at abt 8. when i'm supposed to be home at 6.30!!

no idea whether i can go out tmr after buying uniform. hopefully. oh.... i just realised that sharon and i have so much in common where schs are concerned! hahA. we're in the exact same boat. only diff jcs. lol. and she knows rain (michael)!!! hAHA!! this is so cool.~

[More neos on my yahoo photos]