Sunday, March 19, 2006

does it count as a great improvement? i took 20mins to put it in. and less than 2 mins to take it out. hAhA. was msging jaime the whole of last night and today. scared. hAhA. maybe now i'm more confident. but i realised my astigmatism cmi. my left eye cant see near. haha.

anW... i'm gonna be a walking zombie tmr. waking up at 8 this morning was already enough to kill me. went to church for easter dance practice. was practically blank faced. and stoning. following the steps... and stoning. went opposite to eat. i didnt know what to eat. and was stoning again. hA. prac on tue again. HeEx.

oh...since i was stoning.. i was analysing the different ways people pronounce my name. let's see: people who pronounce it literally include baTcH tHiRtY-tHrEe, and people who read my name out from the list. people who pronounce it correctly are those i tell them, 4a2, a few of my sqdmates. people who pronounce it as my chinese name... gosh. THE WHOLE OF 1SA2. haha!! others include...weLL... ah lean.. which was created by ah ruo. (i miss calling ah ruo). and...FORGET IT. i wont say. those arE thE crazY oneS who love to tease me. people like xt, raf & gang. HaHA. not forgetting yibin sir... who just called me what i havent heard for quite long.

ok. the previous paragraph was kinda zlk. i know. i'm just bored. make uP lessons end late. i think i'm gonna go for all. their notes are so different frm ac. either most are given by the teacher. or they didnt learn. weirD. i look weird in uniform. daMn weird. and only 1 pocket. i cant fit anything into it. i'm fat!! ahA!! i'm most excited to sEE hh iN uniform tmr. yea!!~