Monday, July 26, 2004

oh man. poor sqdmates. they have a million mosquito bites on their arms and legs.

the songs cant get outta my head. first is the cactus song. then is come dream with me. then testimony of his love. then the is this a nightmare song. then thru his eyes.

ok whatever. i think i'm falling sick. everyone ard me is sick! my partner, my mom, ruoyi, min weis, the band ppl...i'm dieing. lalalalala. i think i'm coming down with a sore throat and runny nose.

now let's see...oh yeah. i said i'll talk abt the musical right? yea. well. i have 2 big pimples thanx to make up. yea. 1st show was great. some screw ups here and there. but good. 2nd show, not that gr8 la. guess it was because like what mrs tan said, a bit machenical. last show was phenominal!! hahahahahahaha. ya. last show was the best. we started screaming aft that. well...i think it was gr8 lar. gonna miss all the funny ppl. and yolanda's cactus actions. haha. having a dinner on friday. cool. wonder what it'll be. packet rice? hAhA! nah. how abt a nice ballroom! hEe. anyway. yeA. made new friends there. guess it was a time for interaction as well.

i really have nothing to do. not that i'm slacking. i really cant find any work to do. cant find hmk. no hmk today. and no left overs to do. a math test was for once easier.well...cuz mr low set wan!! lalala. but it still has this ms lau-ish thing in the paper. ha.

3 tests next week. dont know why. ok. i'm so dead. a slight sore throat will turn into a serious one. nooOoOo!!~