Sunday, July 18, 2004

i didnt want to come online today. wanted to study physics. but i gave into temptation after studying 1 chapter.

well...i think it was a good decision. or not i'll not be able to come online till next sunday. being just 2 days away from farewell..i still have this farewell spirit in me. reading hEr blog almost made me cry. if my computer was in my room...i would cry my eyes out.

i wouldnt say farewell was very well done. i wouldnt say it was badly done either. but being a campfire, and being in the carpark, being the one who is organising, it's a totally different atmosphere. you dont really feel like crying. not all the time like in the past years. haha. well...i think not until constance ma'am started it.

but yeah. after reading her blog. i really feel like crying. i'm gonna miss 'em. how they lead, how they do things. taking over is a totally different matter. we're not sec2 anymore...we're not waiting for the next batch to take over....WE are taking over. it was every of our dream to take over. always dreaming of when we're taking over...when we don't need to suffer anymore. but now, i don't know about you. but i feel that i'm gonna miss how others manage the unit. we know nuts abt this. we didnt understudy.

and i think what gwen ma'am said is true. you don't treasure the np sessions when you're sec1 or sec2...but we take over...treasure all the times you get to dawn on the uniform. yes. i am gonna do so (although the uniform is damn hot).

it's a whole new perspective now. well...i mean after the sec4s really leave. like...after ndp. wonder what it'll be like. wonder who are in what comittees. constance ma'am wants me to take over store. seriously speaking...i don't mind. tidying up the rifle range...hehe. nd i'll pick up all the dowel poles and the flagpole...and start getting emotional abt campcraft again. haha.

yes. i'll miss the sec4s. afterall, they've been with us since we were sec1s. they've been with us thru the punishments, chalets, camps, crazy moments, many. gonna esp miss those who i am or i was close to.

i feel so sad. don't know what to say. to batch 32, wish you all the best in everything...o's...etc.

(wish me luck for the next week ahead! starting this busy schedule again~)