Saturday, July 17, 2004

7 days since i've blogged. well. i've been busy. VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY BUSY. all who's fault? yA. you may be able to guess. for those who cant, give you a hint. it's not np.

ok. ytd was farewell. so saD!!!!!! haha. yep. we were hMm. disorganised? oops. yeA. well, only a few cried. phEw. or else i'll start too. yep. was running ard here and there....serving. went home late. anyway, they took the mat frm the teacher's table. and me and xt didnt know. we threw it into the bin. oops! die. take out and wash. haha. put back and dry. lalalala.

not much time for interaction la. but felt like crying when yuling ma'am talked abt the time we cried. abt that story. and wanted to cry even more when gwen ma'am said she'll esp miss the cc team. aW man. really wanted to cry.

yeA. today went to school to prac. prac in the e.hall...hand was frozen. then stoned in the hall. on the way home...was with ruoyi, euodia, faith and a sec1...ruoyi was horny. talked abt...haha. yea. dunno how we came up with a half dress rehersal on monday. yea. wear half the clothing.'s my programme for next week.

Monday: Full dressed rehersal at acsb
Tuesday: Photo taking
Wednesday: nothing yet. but maybe GOH practise?
Thursday: last rehersal
Friday: ATC!!! nah. musical of course.
Saturday: ATC!!! no. musical.
Sunday: finally! a break! no. go train for napfa challenge.

i'm busy. dont expect to see me online till next sunday. see ya!~