Sunday, August 15, 2004

pl won the challenge shield this year. cool man. yeAh. well...for was first. beat yy and zhss. oOo. we were so nervous. the match against zhss was a good one. they were no pushovers. they were good. but pl managed to win. heex. bball...i wasnt there to watch. but pl won too. street soccer was alrights. the girls were more gentle with the ball. pl lost to zhss at the last minute. cheering...duh. pl won. go sqdmates! so we got the shield. cool. what was entertaining was the officer's match. the CIs wore their lamers jersy. haha. and their match was great. some were real pro. *thumbs up*

i went home frm there. only to find that my face was red and burnt and my arms and legs were burnt too. 2 colours. this is what you get for sitting under the sun for too long. thinking that you can tan youself but actually you're burning yourself.

went for violin lesson at funan. i was late. as always. grace didnt go. and mindy & josephine went for church. which leaves me to play "solo" for the concerto in d minor. well. dr wong played the whole piece. and most of us were stoning there. trying our best to find our way back to the piece. we did. at the last 3 notes. such a sense of "satisfaction". the other pieces were alright i guess.

went to eat dinner with my family. went to see my bro's workplace. cool. he was drooling over this computer that his shop sold. its a computer cum radio cum tv cum dvd cum vcd player/writer. which had to cpu and had a wireless internet. and cost only $2999. now that's cool. well. i hope my bro changes his com soon. i can inherit his old one (which is still quite new) and get rid of this dying computer over here. (freaky. continued playing the song altho i exited from yibin sir's blog)

yeS! finally. i don't need to stay back for anything anymore. i seriously need to catch up on my work as well as my violin. well...yeaH. i still have piano tmr. other than that. heex. i'm coming home to slack. ;) ~