Thursday, August 05, 2004

i just feel a need to write this. i just need to get it off my chest.

why. why. why. why. why. do you keep complaining?!?!? like just shudup and accept what you're supposed to do can? wait. everyone knew what you wanted. but you only told your friends. how are the others supposed to know?? they dont have ears hanging around in school you know. so expect them to put you into wherever you want to be? how do they even know?

so of course they'll just put you into something else. you're lucky if you had gotten what you want...but you're not so just accept the damn fact and fufill your duty. and you're just pushing all to others just cuz you dont like yours? what's this? irresponsibility? just cuz you dont like it doesnt mean you dont have to do anything. what if i tell them abt it? what will happen to you? whatever. i just hope you'll stop your lousy attitude cuz it's not gonna help in any way and ppl will just get irritated.

the damn reason why you're sulking right now is cuz you just told ur friends...who else knew? no one. what can you expect? just learn to accept that you cant have all the things in life can? stop being a spoilt brat. i am getting irritated with always like that. any small thing that you dont say you wanna quit. you might as well quit right now. quit from the whole thing.

there. i got it off my chest. feels better. i dont think anyone understands what i'm saying. haha~