Thursday, August 05, 2004

finally...5 aug. it's finally gonna be over. everything. like after a busy july...thank god. it's time i started concentrating on my studies as well as my piano. sigh. it's just like campcraft. going back early will be a weird thing again. hA.

anyway... i asked mary to do the stand down thing today. so exciting! put notice on the board without officers signature. cool. hAaAaA. i havent gotten the file from wenxin yet. cant really remove notices from the board yet. this is an exciting job. at least it's not those slacker type. yet some ppl are crying over it. sigh.

i just realised after this weekend i still have loads. piano exam, geog test on wed, lots of hmk, challenge shield, peer tutoring. how i wish 1 day had 36 hrs. i could sleep half of it and work on the other half.

there's really nothing to type. off to play gunbound...or something.~