Sunday, August 29, 2004

came home at 9.30 last night. went for violin.

grace was late. but we reached there on time. thank god she didnt scold today during violin again. well, i guess cuz there were other people there. managed to play the concerto...but got lost somewhere in space. was trying to keep the same bowings with the others for music of the night.

we didnt know where to eat after that. vivian and i wanted pastamania. but. there were some objections. ended up at heartland mac. heartland mac! 1st thing, heartland (boring). 2nd thing, mac?! i'm sick of mac. mian qiang la. well. sat there and talked and laughed with mindy, grace, josephine and vivian. i think we're mad. talked abt loads of stuff. and kept laughing. mindy was imitating josephine.

we kept seeing weird things that day. 1st in the mrt, we saw a pair of gays. this girl side of the gay kept taking pictures and he kept posing in some akward way. mindy imitated him later. so funny!! anyway, we were all staring at him. so disgusting! hAhA! and later while walking back to the bus stop, me and josephine spotted a pair of lesbians. at first we thought it was just a couple. then they turned and the were both girls. o-kay..dots....

went home with josephine. took 105 with me. found out she stays very near me. cool. but i was late home by 30 mins. there's cell on tue. wonder who's going. there's violin on wed...wonder who's going.~