Monday, August 09, 2004

i so hate my computer ya? thanx a lot. i blogged so much. it's time i changed my com. cut it for the perfect gift isnt that easy. and. considering that you're rushing for time...that makes it more difficult. beishan woke up late. so we had to go for the later service. so we decided to go to ps and look ard. and ended up not deciding what to buy and ended up late in church. hA.

piano concert was alright. i made a huge load of mistakes. but my 2nd piece was great. no mistakes. and this student of my piano teacher's friend...woaH! so pro! (violin) heR vibrato! so cool! her pieces were so long and she memorized all! i think she was abt my age. must be abt grade 7? her fingerings...her vibrato. i fell in love with it. and if she was a guy...i would've wanted to marry him! so mid-term goal: to play like that girl. cOol man. that's what a violin should sound like.

anyway, happy birthday to singapore ( i'm so patriotic!) ha. happy birthday to xiaoting too!! august is one month that i go broke. so many birthdays!~