what a stressful and retarded day!! the past 5 days were plain stressful. today i added another word to it. seriously... what a retarded day!!
woke up to doing econs essay and PI. talking abt it makes me stressed. atE lunch and went off to church. bus took damn long. wenT to the lor room to get my costume. the rest were already there..some were wearing head bands! hAHa. looked so retro. supposed to be jewish. mine is damn big... i look fat. or maybe cuz i wasnt wearing matching pants like jeanette was. theN jeanette and i tied ourselves together with the sash and started dancing. so retarded!! hAhA. then we went up to the glam rm... grace briefed us abt what was gonna happen on that day.. nat was doing crazy stuff as usual... i used the sash to tie my hair..so i looked like some nu xia... they started laughing.. i think everyone was damn high and retarded la!!
then we learnt the rest of the steps and then started on the whole song!! we were watching the 2 guys come in with the leads...was so damn funny... we watched until we forgot to come in lar!! grace: why u all nv come in?! all of us: *AHHHHHH! then we started moving in. retarded la!! theN we practised till 4pm. grace said we improved a lot. yaY!
wenT dowN..their cooking classes ended already. sat down drank soursop frm the vending machine. lol. went home with jeanette... the others were going out or going home. while sitting at the bus stop... jeanette was singing pinky and the brain song lar!! huH??! damn retarded!! jeanette's bus took eternity to come... hA. poor thing.
met my mom at j8 to eat dinner. and buy things at popular. went home to study and do pi. at least i'm done with that. have to go to church on monday. make up lessons till 6.10. have to go str8 to church. and i have a physics test on tue. I'LL GROW GREY HAIR SOON. but. i am going to sleep now!!~