happy good friday!!
i'm supposed to do my 2nd draft of pi. but i think i shall blog first.
thE weEk has beEn madness. i'm gonna die for physics test. anne marie is so smart la!! council campaigning's on. and they just put up the posters ytd... they hung it in such a way that it looked really weird!! peiyi and i were looking at them during the break. and all the council elects had to wear ties. and posters ard the school..
international friendship day was on weD.. haD short skits during caal. lignum waS so funnY! lyn waS so cutE!! and felicia!! so funny!! aqua.. zhi wei waS "talking" with a girl's voice. haha. aftEr schoOl i think either dear hh was too tired or too high.. shE staRteD wishing mE happy friendship daY and wE startEd sending stupid msges to each other. with fishy and monkeys!! you should hear her recount her incident at btnr. then you'll know why i call her monkey.
theN ytD wE haD pw, ms ng wanted to give back our PIs.. then shE started laughing at jerrick who wrote it in a gp style!! daMn fuNNy la! and ms lim didnt come for chem. so this relief teacher took over. he was twenty years old... studying to bea doctor. so cool!!! anD his jokes were damn lame... but funny!! basically, there are 4 types of bonds. ionic, covalent, metallic and JAMES. !!! hAHAHA!! whaT comes before 'sea'? students: "mobile (sea of electrons)". no. it's B. and some didnt get it!! we starTed laughing like mad! he released us early... so the girls were talking to him abt his studies... so cool... doctor. lame doctor!!
realsed s15 girls just love to tell lame jokes. really lame. and they have a lot. and peiyi's jokes are always funny but she said it until it wasnt! hAhA!!
anyway... going for bbq latER.with thanks to xt and raf for planning. i gotta get on with my PI before i fail my pw. ~