Friday, April 07, 2006

`strEssED out. i have nothing to say this week except that the workload is crazy. stupid physics test is on tue and i started 4 days ago. everyday is homework. homework is everyday. lectures are getting crazier by the minute. esp math... fibonacci tan. gosH..he's weird. pw pi's madness. i'm going crazy.

s fiFtEeN's ok. celebrated lyn's and kenneth's b'day today. the girls are one sane bunch of people and the guys are the total opposite. but all are damn guai. they do their hmk b4 tutorials. totally a different story from sa2. is that a good or bad thing? depends on whether you consider the long or short run. some guys are obsessed with the GC. some are bian tai. some talk like crazY. the girls are a little bit more sane. and they all can run. i hate pe!!

i look fwD tO the momentary bliss where i forget everything. put down everything just to practise for easter. to danCE for God. i know he will help me thru. and i look fwD to next friday. good friday. a GOOD day to celebrate something. hA. cant wait. at least it's not pizza hut again. lol.

i think sooner or later i'll turn into a mugger. right now... the answer is sooner.~