Monday, June 14, 2004

yOoO!! didnt come online ytd. was busy reading..reading harry potter!! die. addicted.

AnYway. woke up at 8.30 in the morning...watched spongebob a lil...then went to central...picked up a hash brown and proceeded to the mrt station. well...boarded the train that beishan was in. went to city hall...walked to suntec.

was still early for church, so beishan bought a burger frm mac. went to line up (as always) outside the Rock. until abt 11.20? yeAH. church was gr8. was good. but pastor prince didnt speak. turns out he was still on holiday after their church camp. another pastor spoke abt the holy spirit (holy ghost) waHaHAhA was really funny!! made so many jokes...lame ones too.

afTer church went to eat lunch...duh. of course beishan wasnt hungry. so i ate. we wanted to watch harry potter but it was at 2hrs wait. so we went to carrefour...1st thing we saw was keyboard!!!yay! so we went and started playing with it. play play play...learnt how to play "first love" on it. until abt 3.25.

went up...bought the tix. watched the show. so zai. so sudki man. when he said the expecto putronum. he's getting more shuai..but malfoy's not. hA. cool movie. was really gr8. cuz beishan watched it for the 2nd time. but she says the 1st one's betta. well...yea. but both are really nice..dont know abt the 2nd movie...didnt watch it.

aftEr it finished was like...6pm? yeA. went to heartland to meet xt and wx. and...ryan. hA. kept the ryan part frm beishan. wanted to "kan hao xi" but..hAhA. nah. me and xt left both of em alone 4 a while...went to toilet. lalalalalala. anyway. went to take neoprint. no fun. i feel quite bad actually...making fun of beishan. hehe. yeA. this time take neoprint not so fun. lalala.

came home. die. i found the 1st hp bk. started reading...and reading...and reading...didnt go online. guess beishan must be reading her 3rd book too. hahA. oh yeah. she's going KL on tue i think. aHhHh!! times square! i wanna go!! roller coaster! fuN!! indoor theme park!! ahHh!! *jealous* well...i have kayaking on tue and wed la.

speaking of kayaking...beishan was telling me abt her and her sqd's experience 4 1 star. what the?? they put sun tan lotion! ahahahaha! they came back burning on the 1st day. 2nd day..still put! chao ta!! she said it was really pain. so i conclude that i shall put sun block and still come back with a nice tan. not burn!! i dont want dandruff!!

anyway. am i supposed to have piano lesson today? dont know. i thought break 4 3 weeks? nvm. she's sick. stomach flu. poor thing! well...still..*phew* i didnt practice. lalalalallala.

i'm getting addicted to this: eXpEcTo pUtRonum!~