Friday, June 25, 2004

It's been a crazy and hectic week with pk course and drills. now that it's over, i feel a small tinge of relief. small. another problem's popped up. it's called HOMEWORK.

Saturday is gonna be more relaxing. But, it's the "choing-ing day". i am gonna chiong all my homework. all that i can do that is. as for those i have no idea how...well...good luck to me.

meanwhile, yeS! slacked the whole day. i'm addicted to reading harry potter again. hopefully i dont get a chance to read it tomorrow! or else i'll be reading thruout. anyway, you! hey you! don't you dare disturb me tomorrow you hear? disturb me and i'll cut of your head on the first day of school. that would at least provide me with some entertainment...since monday's lessons are boring! -oops- i'm not over with the time-table thing!

i have seemed to have forgotten that i still have a sunday. that's a day to start worrying where all my books are, where all my hmk is and whether i forgot anything for school. mind you, i have only 1 pair of shoes left for school...since i soiled one during kayaking.

this one month has passed so fast. school stuff. i'm not surprised if in the near near near future, there would be a "give us back our holidays!" protest right here in Singapore.

still, "let your heart not be troubled". i know i'm becoming obsessed with this phrase but it's from te bible! in other words, in profound english, "find peace in whatever you do." in simple enlish..."lac la!" i'm not saying to lac abt your hmk and stuff...just don't over-worry. hA. reminds me of hermoine in harry potter. whateVeR.~