Sunday, April 11, 2004

happy easter!!

church today was fun with the's cry-able. but i didnt. so paiseh!! ok. pastor spoke on understanding the show "The Passion if the Christ". the 1st time i saw the sermon i was like...don't talk to me about it! *cries* i wanna see it!! but later, all the slides he took was frm the show. omg...u sld really see it. how awful and painful. already just seeing some of the pics frm the show i really felt like crying..what more the show itself? well...he spoke of the trails Jesus went thru, His crusifiction and the ressurection. omg. the 1st 2 you really feel like crying. seEing what he went thru...i just can't describe it. I REALLY WANNA WATCH THAT SHOW! i'll cry my heart out. weLl...if you heard the message today, you'd really crY if not for so many community members present. really touching and i dunno! i really have to see it. and YOU too!!

oh well...went 4 lunch at one of the blocks..then i went home myself...daddy and mummy stayed on for the water baptism. ok. i went home with shirley. hA. not myself.~


God sent His son
They called him Jesus
He came to love,
Heal and Forgive

He came to die
To buy my pardon
An empty grave
Is there to prove
My Savior lives

And because He lives
I can face tomorrow
Because He lives
All fear is gone

Because I know,
I know
He holds the future
And life is worth a living
Just because He lives.~