erM. firstly i wanna say congrats to both ma'ams...peichen ma'am and beishan ma'am. aHhH! so cool!! so prestigious! the shoulder on top gonna have more thread!! haha. waH. everyone expected otherwise but hey. haha. so happy for them. but beishan seems neutral. no feelings when i went to congratulate her. hEE. cool man.
anYway, np on saT. like...we thot no more ler. hA. Well...nvm la. ok. erM. finally. finally i'm receiving my rank. and sana and marksman badge!! hEhEhehE!. yAyayAY. sigh. but what is it compared to SI! waH. haha. cant get over it. so nice can. hA. jealous.
English lesson...die! stomach cramp. *tolerates and continues to write essay* lit lesson...wah...*face turns purple* it was really pain ok. havent experienced such pain in a long time. i was practically squeezing the liquid paper. cuz it's the only thing i cld find to hold. and worse thing is i didnt bring panadol. st john wont give it to anyone incase any person is allergic to panadol. thank God during geog i felt betta...was able to complete whatever she was teaching.
peer tutoring. hA. quite fun yet quite boring. grp happened to have diyanah who happened to go 4 pupil profiling. so i was left with 3....they did fast. so i was wandering ard. then i went over to help suying...yeA. hey. graphs! i hate them.presently, i'm doing both e and A maths on graphs. speaking of a math. die! test only 8 pass! ok. i'm failing. dont talk to me abt it!~