Sunday, October 05, 2008

the past week or so has been...


and i mean literally.

Mid terms started last sat and lasted all the way till yesterday for me, when others finished on monday when we returned to school! The day before was a bit less taxing, though i had 2 tests the next day. When to eat at east coast with dear, then drove on the expressway just to hear the engines of F1. It was really deafening even on the expressway! Was trying to conserve brain cells on monday but still ended up really tired during econs and math test. Damn. I'm so going to get a new calculator that can do "special functions" for exams. Took a bus back with upapa ppl after math and discussed the questions 3/4 the journey!

Wed was a PH, which gave me enough time to study/slack for physics gem and genes & soc. My busiest day on friday became my most slack day! But ended up in school at ard 12 to do physics project. ARGH. The work never stops. Went out for dinner with upapa to bugis crystal jade after lecture. reynold got really mad cuz we took so long to decide. and fred forgot to sign his card while paying! had to leave early because still had one more test! while the others went out to play. haha

After genes & soc on sat... spent the afternoon shopping/walking/eating. Had family dinner at night, had dessert (again) at this restaurant with an interesting name - Oomphatico's. No time to slack today. Chiong-ed math tut and physics project! Argh. No time to slack...~