monday - filled with voicemails.
a well-deserved rest on tue.
wed was totally gone. people at work: jac, eil, me, yh, wil, jamie, janice. almost died taking calls and vmails. yh almost died from finishing tnp.
thu was lonely. sat alone without the company of calina who was sick.
fri was alright. all the fluster due to timesheet. stupid sub... dont know what she was talking about.
went to hand in timesheet today with jac, cal & wk. the rest backed out at the last min. almost didnt want to hand in for them. met yili at the office!! then we went down to meridien to eat korean again. my 3rd time in 1 week. and to collect 23 FREE donuts. the person behind the counter was super bu shuang because of the 23. wk at his 3 at once, while my, jac and cal brought home our 3. the rest are to be brought to the office tmr. the 2 guys are super "yg", they ate jac & my hello panda! the bbq and cheese flavoured! they just took the whole packet and ate it all! eil couldnt finish the seaweed i gave her, so she threw it over to them. they really eat a lot.
by the way, happy FeB 29th!
anyway, have to work tmr. blahs.#