i found an audition template on blogskins ytd, it was rather nice, and i gave the url to xt. she unexpectedly went mad over the skin, and was still going crazy over it last night. i find it a bit kiddy tho. hA. and no, i won't put it as my template. lol. or maybe i will? depends on whether anyone actually strongly hates the game. HA! i'll be freaking addicted to it if my com didnt keep restarting. maybe it's a natural deterrent.
school was empty today, no j2s, no mainstream ppl that are exempted from chinese, only IPs and us, idiots, who have to take chinese. we went back to go thru our exam papers. guess what? i did not bad. in fact, even better than for common test! and guess what? i only studied two days before the paper. and guess what? it's an A. (on the dot lar.) but what the heck...it's still an A. the last time i smelt an A was in sec2. i thought all hope was lost for the 2nd passage, but i ended up getting the highest out of all the 3 passages! my guessing skills are getting better. but then again, i must thank Him for the help thru my papers, guiding me as i did every question, and i believe He will help everyone who believes in Him only.
heard that it's econs tmr, but i won't be in school. good or bad? good: i dont get depressed. bad: my day is spoilt when i learn about my marks. hA. all i hope is that i dont fail. anywaY, it's founder's day svc tmr! going back in white, white, white. ry's going back. and i cant wait to see my level mates again! it's normal lessons tmr, and i'm glad i dont need to go, including prep for open day. talk about lazy. haa.
Vanity of vanities, all is vanity!~