Friday, May 13, 2005

haha!! 2 more papers to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahaha!! i've been so looking forward to today. to play!! hAhA!! study tmr. play today!! hEE!! here's an account on my papers.

English: the usual
Lit: okok. cant be worse. except that the unseen passage was from lord of the flies.
Math: oh gosh. paper 1 was more difficult than paper2.
SS: always writing away. she set development. thank god there was ageing population to save me!
Geog: quite ok. cld rmb the points. did water pollution. didnt wanna do air pollution cuz i didnt know the 2nd part!
Physics: usual. a few difficult qns here and there.
A math: i think i'm dead.
CL: i didnt know half of the tian xie han zi.
Chem: ok. the best paper i've had so far. and to a certain extent....the easiest. haha. not really.

ok. just 1 more a math and chem. then i can takea break until ch o's. heEX.~