Monday, May 30, 2005

felix says my last entry was lame.

well, this is lamer.

i want to publicize that she is crazy over some person... which doesnt know how to pronounce his name properly.

concern me?


so why am i blogging it?~
waHhHh!! chinese o's is finally over!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!

ok this is what came out. qing qiu gong han. which i did. asking for some programme to be shown on tv. and guess what came out for compo? for bao zhang du hou gan.... about bullying... students being bullied. exactly the same question that we did b4!!!!! oh man!!!!!!!!! we were all so happy!!!!!! practically the whole pl. so cool.

i really thank God for helping us through.

ok. pp2 wasnt that good. who knew how to write qian song?!?!? did we learn it? no. and the compre was a huh? something abt not spending enuf time with yer family.

ok good. it's over. muahahahaha. lessons this week. as usual.~

Monday, May 23, 2005

sore throat. erGh.

yaY! ms sea is open for sign ups again!! lols. but i already made an acc... haha. anyway. i did a stupid thing ytd. i asked felix to dl ms...forgetting that she cldnt sign up for an acc. and i told her when the dl-ing was almost finished! hAhA! she was like "WHAT!!!" oops. haha. at least she didnt dl for nth. it's open for sign ups again.

tmr's school. hate the 1st few things. checking papers....hope i dun fail my a math pp2!! so difficult. wonder whether they uploaded anymore results??~

Sunday, May 22, 2005

i saw lays potato chips bbq flavour but i cldnt eat it.
i saw old chang kee but i cldnt eat it.
i saw long john but i cldnt eat it.
i saw mac but i cldnt eat it.

the only thing i cld eat was sushi.


because i have a sore throat!!

i hate sore throats.

i keep drinking water.~
sore throat! ahHhhh!!~

Saturday, May 21, 2005


Hide me now
Under your wings
Cover me
within your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know his power
In quietness and trust

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with you above the storm
Father you are king over the flood
I will be still and know you are God~

Friday, May 20, 2005

back from walk-a-jog. splitting headache.

reached there at 7. hA. took a lift from mel fong. well....competitors were flagged off 1st.... then us. haha. tiff pulled yq to run... so ry, serene and i were left to stroll. haha. still had time to go toilet during the run! haha. then it was hot. so they took out umbrella! so malu! haha. ms goh and mrs seah were like..."dun use umbrella!!" lols. i dumped all the competitors' bags in serene's dad's car. heE.

after everything....which took eternity....we wanted to rent bikes but didnt in the end. we split into 3 grps.... ry and se ying went on serene's dad's car.... yq, celene and i walked to the starting point. sharon, xin yi and jasmine strayed off to vjc bus stop without telling us! haha. so we made our way to parkway...since ry and se ying were on the way there. 3 of us ate at bk....the other 3 at mos and the 2 at han's. aft that wanted to go into e-zone but were wearing sch shirt. ergh! ha. took a cab to bugis.

took neos. and then some went secretly to buy pressie for sharon....erm.... we tried to lie that se ying had diarrhoea... haha. so long. sharon was getting suspicious. i think. haha. bought a skirt and a blouse for her. hEE. then went to this tea drink bubble tea. haha. couldnt resist the almond!! but i wanted tako pachi....haha. i shall buy it next time. yum yum. they went to celene's house i think. yq and i rushed off. both had to go home. cuz i had no house key!! and yq's mom was quite pisst. haha.

having a splitting headache now. but i think today was ok. better than going to school to do mock exam!! haha. monday's a holiday. hehe! but have to study.~

Thursday, May 19, 2005

today was dead boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mock chinese exam. 1st was paper 1.... 2 hrs. and i couldnt concentrate becuase of the loony woman beside me who was doodling all over my paper... question paper. drawing lame cartoons...and disturbing me all the way. she drew a portrait of me... which ended up looking like tiff. lols. but kept disturbing me.

then paper 2 aft recess. i had peace.... but too much of it. oh gosh. where did that paper come from? chinese high? rgs? i had no idea what the compre was talking abt. erm... something about geog and social studies....abt development, abt people as a country's most precious resource. dotS.... so chim.

yixian and i went to the student lounge to find the hcl girls for the 12 th night thing... had to ask ms kang where it was! haha. stupid. this is the thing....they were playing card games....watching tv and what were we doing? having some stupid chinese exams! haha. mrs ng asked us to buy some food for her...she was wondering why they were so free. so she said she would give them something to do next week! haHa!!! i'm saddistic. lols.

walk-a-jog tmr....thank god. gonna go there and stroll. haha.

oOoOo.... vonzell got voted out for am idol. poor thing. they're really really really good. hEEx.~

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

waHA!! mid year's finally over!! been waiting for this day. and i dont feel like there's school tmr!! aH. who cares.

hEEx . came home at 10 something. then went out to meet celene, yq, sharon, xin yi, ah ruo, serene, se ying to go out. met hester and stefanie too. they were going to watch house of wax. hehe. nc 16....all of us just cant wait. then met me partner, jy, yixian, sylvia in the mrt. haha. they were going to watch house of wax too!! hA. all cant wait. then took to orchard. haha. they said somerset. so yq.celene and i came out...they didnt!! so we took to orchard. went to lido. met pl girls again. and they were going to watch house of wax too! everyone's desperate to watch nc 16 movies. heEx. they borrowed our ez link....cuz the security was quite strict. they check the month. haha. i ate subway. just felt like it. of course i removed every vege except lettuce. haha. oops. then they went to watch some show by daniel wu.... serene, yq and i didnt.

1st we went to borders....for no reason. haha .look see. then went to get earrings....oh man. i like that shop. haha. took mrt to somerset.... cine. waHhHhH. went to play at arcade!! daytona. oh man. haha. i'm so lousy. played the i dunno what. that thing where u have the circular disk then u hit into the goal thing. haha. i won yq and serene!! but my arm's gonna ache tmr. keep hitting. then went to play dead or alive. anyhow press. not bad. could win a few. haha. saw this ddr pro. he got the highest score. pro. went over to heeren. so look see. while waiting for the ppls to finish. haha. oh yeah. practically the whole pl sec4 was at town lor!! saw so home clothes....sch u....all sorts. ha.

yq was hungry so we went to taka to get food. and they called us and said they were at heeren! haha. so we took our time....walk back. they were taking neos. we waited for legs were so tired. walked so long. haha. met minwei and ann marie...woah....they wore until so..... erm. nice. makes us feel so inferior. haha. spaghetti stripe and short skirt. ooOo. hA. went to take noes again. so many faces. hEE.

then went to drink bubble tea. i had to go home earlier. as usual. i prefer not to vomit all out. haha. came home with yq. she went to the library. -_-. cheng san library. hAs.

nag nag nag.~

Monday, May 16, 2005

King of Majesty

You know that
I love you
You know that
I want to know you so much more
More than I have before

These words are
From my heart
These words are
Not made up
I will live for you
I am devoted to you

King of Majesty
I have one desire
Just to be with you my Lord
Just to be with you my Lord

Jesus you are the Saviour of my soul
And forever and ever I'll give my praises to you~

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Friday, May 13, 2005

haha!! 2 more papers to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahaha!! i've been so looking forward to today. to play!! hAhA!! study tmr. play today!! hEE!! here's an account on my papers.

English: the usual
Lit: okok. cant be worse. except that the unseen passage was from lord of the flies.
Math: oh gosh. paper 1 was more difficult than paper2.
SS: always writing away. she set development. thank god there was ageing population to save me!
Geog: quite ok. cld rmb the points. did water pollution. didnt wanna do air pollution cuz i didnt know the 2nd part!
Physics: usual. a few difficult qns here and there.
A math: i think i'm dead.
CL: i didnt know half of the tian xie han zi.
Chem: ok. the best paper i've had so far. and to a certain extent....the easiest. haha. not really.

ok. just 1 more a math and chem. then i can takea break until ch o's. heEX.~

Saturday, May 07, 2005

i hate exams. i'm stressed. and i'm dying.

thank god it's next week. after that ia m able to relx for a while. like just concentrate on chinese. which i havent been. oops. i have been doing maths and a maths like crazy.... and am mentally tired for today. i feel like i'm typing like a robot. just like the way you do maths. step by step.

well...i maybe science is better. haha. whatever. if i get some prelim exam like the one i did today...i would be damn happy! oh man. that paper was easy! all the questions were like from tys?!?!?! haha.

xt just told me her exams start on thurs. what is this world coming to? hAs. nvm. by thurs i would be freer. is that a word? oh. i'm gonna fail my english.

i really have no game to play on my com. ts is so laggified. i cant even get in. only 2 servers!! and so many ppl. couple with the fact that my com always has a big problem with me. i cant play ms because of some settings prob in my com. and i'm too lazy to dl gunbound! any recommendations? ~


I look away
Then I look back at you
You try to say
The things that you can't undo
If I had my way
I'd never get over you
It ain't the day
I pray that we make it through

Make it through the fall
Make it through it all

And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want to sit and stare at you
I don't want to talk about it
And I don't want a conversationg
I just want to cry in front of you
I don't want to talk about it

And I don't wanna fall to pieces
I just want to sit and stare at you
I don't want to talk about it
And I don't want a conversationg
I just want to cry in front of you
I don't want to talk about it

Cuz I'm in Love With you
I'm in love with you
Cuz i'm in love with you
And I'm in love with you
I'm in love with you

Monday, May 02, 2005

oOo... new template. actually wanted to put something with a black background and a nice violin....but it didnt turn out this was the next best choice.

haha. i woke up at 1015 today. was supposed to eat bfast with felix. and meet her at 9.45. anyway....i think she woke up and went back to sleep. haha. i was lazy to go out anyway. hAhA. after eating KFC last night i feel that i'm putting on weight...if i eat mac today...i'll be fat by the time i take height and weight. hehe. fireworks were nice ytd. could see them from my house. haha. thank god the tv didnt have xt, nana & my face. hehe.


Have you heard of the One called Saviour?
Have you heard of His perfect love?
Have you heard of the One in Heaven?
Have you heard how He gave His Son?
Well I have found this love and I believe in the Son show me your way

I believe in the one called Saviour
I believe He's the risen one
I believe that I'll live forever
I believe that the King will come
Because I have found this love and I believe in the Son show me your way

Jesus you are my best friend and you will always be nothing will ever change that

I believe in the One called Saviour
I believe He's the risen One
I believe that I'll live forever
I believe that the King will come
Because I have found this love and I believe in the Son show me your way

Jesus you are my best friend and you will always be nothing will ever change that
Jesus you are my best friend and you will always be nothing will ever change that
Jesus you are my best friend and you will always be nothing will ever change that

Sunday, May 01, 2005

oo0ps.... i feel guilty. i only did a maths today. woke up at like 7 something? couldnt sleep. did some a maths. went to meet xt & beishan. gosh.... havent seen her for so long.... so much to catch up with her. but dont know how to talk. hEEX.

went to eat subway with her cg. hMM... haha. i must say that they are all the same kind. all lame....and laugh a lot. haha. kept saying dunno how we survived with her. haha. well... hMm...waH. die hair...colour contacts.... hEEx. oh yeah. i must say....subway is not that nice....with all the kinds of vege...erm....ew? hAhA. and the heavy smell of onion. the only thing i eat is lettuce. muahahaha. anyway.... i dont think i cld finish one whole thing. shared it with xt.

church was gr8. the preacher was damn funny!! the animations were really comical. hAhA.

went with xt to meet her friend nana after that. esplanade was having some may day carnival....with free KFC and mac!! ate KFC!! whOoO!! oh yeah....before that we cldnt resist temptation and bought the chao ex strawberry coated with nice!! but 1 for $2. yUmMm.... then the concert....wahA.... taufik and sly!! of course....taufik sings better. haha. he sang 3 songs....and xt and i called brainless and tiff just to make them jealous!! hehe!! we stayed until mr lee came. then we wanted to go off when both taufik and sly sang i dream!! so nice! hehe!

well....thank God tmr's a holiday. or not i'll start feeling guilty abt not studying. hehe. wonder whether the 9.30 news has our faces in it. maybe. cuz CNA was filming the concert. haA.~