Friday, June 12, 2009

Work after one week was... tiring. Sorry for not being able to make it for pre-camp! All I've been able to do everyday is come home, eat dinner and stone in front of the tv for a few hours. Maybe cuz i'm not used to waking up so early! Sleepy.

Anyway, how suay can anyone get on the first day at work? One suspected case of H1N1 at the clinic... leaving both assistants and the doc panicky. Only good thing was we got to go home after lunch. HAHA. Thank God the result was negative! I dont wanna be quarantined at some centre!

So basically it's a mad rush every morning and slow as a snail in the afternoons. One doc is pretty nice. Comes to talk to us whenever there isn't any patients. Tells us about everything that happened before. Some we super funny. Still a total blur about all the medicines... though i've learnt what some are for. And why can't some people be nicer? Argh! Sometimes (ONLY sometimes)... i'm so glad engineers talk more to machines than humans. Because some can really be idiotic at times. Too bad if you're sick. You still have to wait if you want to see the doctor!

After working one week, I'm going to off for the next! HA. That's just because of camp. Met MEIBAO at amk hub... of all places! Because that's not her territory. It's mine! Went to kpo and saw felicia chin filming. Haha.

Anyway, some pics from last saturday's gathering at my house!

Badminton @ the carpark... Because outdoors was too windy!


Weird ideas from weird people...

Formal shot!

Finally something nice... =)