Saturday, August 26, 2006

do i think i've fufilled my promise to study this week? seriously no. i'm turning into a study freak. but there's so much to do. freaking a lot. i was talking to yiling today about Jesus coming again. because i turned to Revelations in her Bible. right now, how i wish the Lord would come right now and take us away from this world, into paradise. Well, who actually know's when He'll come? maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe next century. No one knows.

OP wkshop was today. i hate impromptu speeches. i went to eat lunch with lyn, yiling, anne marie, ghislaine. speaking of yiling, i woke up at 6.50am this morning to msg her. and she replied! talk about crazy. anyway, i went home after that. threw my batt flat hp on the table to charge and went down to the pool room to find edwin & xavier. that guy called me during OP wkshop to ask me to book. there were his classmates there, one np, one not. being the only girl with 4 guys there wasnt a very good thing, one of his frens took off his shirt to act like he was swimming, he went down to get a carlsberg. it was funny tho'.

the 2 guys went off to really swim, i played one round with xavier, won him. like duh. then we played life, i was aiming at 1-5 all the time, which was edwin's. xavier won. they totally killed me the next round. edwin won. ( surprising.) we left to heartland... to meet jaime & xt to study. i was forcing edwin to go thruout the whole journey, in fear that he would abandon me. i pulled his slc shirt... so he got angry. SORRY!! well.. i met pei jun at macs. she was studying with some other nj frens. she remembers xt and xt remembers her. then i met pearly and yu jun. talked to them for a while, the were doing summation (gosh, i hate that chapter). and everyone's failing every subject, so my inability to do well isnt a cause for worry. but i still cant help worrying about promos.

i was only able to study after some of them went somewhere. the peace and not quietness. the 'hunks' went off a little while later, the women went to buy cup corn. we met them again at the bus stop, but decided against going to eat prata with them because i had dinner at home and jaime had to go home.

raf had an accident ytd. i tot edwin was joking when he told me. he looked a bit dazed when he came today. gosh raf: go home and sleep! and stop thinking so much. dont fall into depression. not good for health..

my plan for the week
Monday: sch as usual
Tuesday: off-in-lieu (simply means MUGGING)
Wednesday: school, cca
Thursday: Teachers' day cel, go back to pl, JTS
Friday: Teachers day hol (which also means mugging)

This is the life of a mugger. gosh. how i hate that life. i just wish everything would go away.

i'm freaking pisst because this is the 3rd time i'm re-typing this whole entry.~