Monday, February 06, 2006
fund-raising was a success today!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we managed to finish all the dumplings made...with a few(or maybe a lot) of broken bits. lol! was going crazy selling and darrick was so busy frying during the reccess break. the others kept taking the plates to sell. we made profit(duh). and i was forcing everyone to buy. but i think we really did a great job in the fund raising. the 2 of them who went up to give the announcement were good. at least the vp didnt pull a long face. the j2's class teacher came up to do this advertistment for their fund-raising. which was stand-up comedy! he was talking to himself like split personality!! so funny!! we cldnt stop laughing. ok.... we said we wld be selling our dumplings until 1310. but by 12.10 we were sold out. that was damn cool. off to hmk. gosh...i think i'm getting used to this. ~