Saturday, July 16, 2005

mel f and serene are scared of dogs. muahaha. i think i'm saddistic. this somehow connects me to hooper, whom we were doing a character analysis on this morning. i let the dog out. haha. they ran far far away. well anyway... the planning went well...but the typing.... meli and serene were running away most of the time.

then serene and i went to heartland to eat. i was waiting for my turn in the toilet when serene came and told me she saw ms ferng. "where!?!?!" so we ran all the way to find her. haha. we talked to her for a while... she was asking us to go home after we ate lunch. haha. didnt know she wld visit heartland. anyway.... serene and i went to eat yoshi. and guess who we met? ms gan. gosh. yea. we said hi. and i wanted to run away. but i didnt. haha. then we walked ard and went to hougang mall. supposed to meet xt...but she took a long long long long time. so we were just walking ard. xt came at abt 1.45... as if i'm not "lucky" enough, we saw mrs loo. how "lucky" can one person get in a day?!?

anyway... i bought new earrings and wanted to wear them. took out my right earring and there was pus. eEeWw. wiped it off and then... i cldnt put back the damn earring! i just cldnt find the back hole. of course it bled. so i didnt dare take out my left earringl. and was still battling with my right one. i sought help frm xt....but she oso didnt really know. finally plucked up the courage to let my mom do it... cuz i was scared of pain! she didnt manage to put it in either. well... she put it from the back to see whether the hole had closed. and it hadnt. it went thru! and now i have to leave it upside down until tmr. this sucks. i'm never taking out my earring until after my o's!~