wAssuP with sCrAbblE? it's a boring gaMe. LoL. dUh...aLL thoSe "rAffles" PPl wOn...wHo do u expect? PL? HAhA.
i mEt xT, wX & FeliX aT bugiS...Don'T know wHat thEy wEre doing tHere. Oh...i KnOw..tHey weRe thinking of namEs for thE whoLe bAtch 33. -LesS. liKe You KnOw...uSeleSs, hoPEleSs... lOl. FunNy. but LAME. tHerE Are sOmE FunNuy nAmes tHO.
i cAme uP wiTH a sEt oF cuStomiSed nUmbeRs.
niCE? lEt mE eXplAin... CodE niNeteEn.rifLe fOrtYfivE.bAtcH thIrtytHrEE.birThdaY eiGhtEentH dAY oF tHE fOrtH moNtH in tHe yEaR nInEtEeneIghTyniNe. cooL? Ha. I'M juSt boRed.~