Sunday, September 19, 2004

been mugging the whole week!!!!! will be until i finish exams. only reason i allowed myself to come online today was to get some info.

stressEd!! stupid exams. so much to study. pig pig pig!!

mummy bought a few guppies. hEE. cuteXx. but my parrot fish's cuter.

np on saT was ok. was great. hA. we finally took over. muster parade was good. mary's voice was too low! ha. games...water bomb. got really wet. lAa.~

Monday, September 13, 2004

eveR wondered how sian really feels like? it's not bored or tired. it's just....s-i-a-n. school today is one good example. typical sian. freE 2 periods at the start of the day. double math. physics was ok...considering i like the chap on light. double english just talking abt tmr's oral. i fell asleep. which i normally wont unless i'm sick or really sian. a math was just going thru corrections and a lil of chap 11. sian or what? it was really hot and the sun rose so early today. making it feel like 7am altho it was just 6.45. i came home feeling lethargic. and with my muscles still aching, haha. i cldnt climb the stairs that well, nor cld i sit down properly. heEx. weLL. it's just the 1st day of term 4 and i'm complaining. shall look forward to the days ahead and it's time i started studying!!!~

Saturday, September 11, 2004

tired. my legs cant move, back pain. hA. it was worth it. promotion test.

waited till 10 to take. practised outside the staffroom. saw ms ferng. she straightened her hair. promotion. grace was good. haha. guess what? i did sedia for moi!! aHaHaHaha!! cool cool. was staring at grace when i said it. then xt got senang diri! heEx. she stare at me. no one did sendeng....or however u spell it. so no one got it for moi. some were good some were...hMMM....laA. hA. but on the whole was ok la. the 4 present sgts took the lcps. wonder how it went. they get to do moi next week. thank god we did it today. erMx. after that went bk. met me partner. tireD now. good night!~